Hospitals & Scientific Organisms
Connecting the Americas Health Tech ecosystems
with the rest of the world.

ACHA-Americas Continental Health Alliance promotes the meeting between hospitals, scientific research organizations and establishments for the medical diagnosis and / or treatment of patients from different ecosystems to share problems, needs and projects that allow them to find common solutions.

In order to promote digital transformation in the Health Sector, ACHA-Americas Continental Health Alliance will launch a work plan for professionals in collaboration with Public and Private Universities of Medicine and Technology in each country, to provide hospital managers, doctors and clinical professionals a better understanding of new technologies applied to health.
Aimed at providing hospital managers, doctors and clinical professionals with a better understanding of new technologies applied to health, such as: AI, machine learning, robotics, databases, predictive care or remote diagnosis and their application to the main problems that faces hospital management these days.
The invitation is aimed at hospitals to identify their main problems in the management of health care and the use of resources with this objective, evaluating the use of these new technologies in their resolution, considering for this, the experiences of hospitals in other countries.
In addition, ACHA-Americas Continental Health Alliance offers Universities, Institutions and Scientific Research Organizations the possibility to publish their ongoing research, as well as their challenges in relation to international collaborations and the requirements of the professionals necessary for ongoing research.
In order to promote digital transformation in the Health Sector, ACHA-Americas Continental Health Alliance will launch a work plan for professionals in collaboration with Public and Private Universities of Medicine and Technology in each country, to provide hospital managers, doctors and clinical professionals a better understanding of new technologies applied to health, such as: AI, machine learning, robotics, databases, predictive care or remote diagnosis and their application to the main problems facing hospital management these days.
The invitation is aimed at hospitals to identify their main problems in the management of health care and the use of resources with this objective, evaluating the use of these new technologies in their resolution, considering for this, the experiences of hospitals in other countries
ACHA-Americas Continental Health Alliance offers Universities and Research Institutions the possibility to publish their scientific research in progress, as well as their challenges and / or needs in relation to international collaborations or research that they are carrying out.